Einstellungen Erfassung

For the different acquisitions, restrictions can be defined using the instructions for non-delivery (customer / cost center), service and sorter as well as global.

The defaults are defined in the Settings, Logistic, Sorting Plan Editor, Button [Presettings Acquisition (Vorgaben Erfassung)]. In addition to that, you can define them on a single sorter, customer (or cost center) or service level.
This is the order how they will take effect:
    1. Global
    2. Sorter
    3. Service Level
    4. Customer / Cost Center
If there is a global setting defined as well as one for the sorter and the customer, but not for the service level, the one for the customer will be used.

This table gives an overview:


Setting as shown
(in German)

Setting translated




Address input

Conutry only
Country, ZIP, city
Country, ZIP, city, street
Country, ZIP, city, street, house number
Country, ZIP, city, street, house number, name

Affects to:

Adresslabeldruck Erkennung Hausnummer unter (%)

Print address label: when house number below (%)

Numerical value (percentage)

If this value has been changed by more than the defined percentage, an address label with the corrected address will be printed.

Adresslabeldruck Erkennung Hausnummerbereich unter (%)

Print address label: when house number area below (%)

Numerical value (percentage)

If this value has been changed by more than the defined percentage, an address label with the corrected address will be printed.

Adresslabeldruck Erkennung Land unter (%)

Print address label: when country below (%)

Numerical value (percentage)

If this value has been changed by more than the defined percentage, an address label with the corrected address will be printed.

Adresslabeldruck Erkennung Ort unter (%)

Print address label: when city below (%)

Numerical value (percentage)

If this value has been changed by more than the defined percentage, an address label with the corrected address will be printed.

Adresslabeldruck Erkennung Ortsteil unter (%)

Print address label: when city district below (%)

Numerical value (percentage)

If this value has been changed by more than the defined percentage, an address label with the corrected address will be printed.

Adresslabeldruck Erkennung PLZ unter (%)

Print address label: when ZIP below (%)

Numerical value (percentage)

If this value has been changed by more than the defined percentage, an address label with the corrected address will be printed.

Adresslabeldruck Erkennung Strasse unter (%)

Print address label: when Street below (%)

Numerical value (percentage)

If this value has been changed by more than the defined percentage, an address label with the corrected address will be printed.

Anzeige Arbeitsanweisung

Show working orders

field shown
field not shown

Affects to:

Anzeige Artikel

Show article

field shown
field not shown

Affects to:

Anzeige Bezirk

Show district

field shown
field not shown

Affects to:

Anzeige Drucken

Show print

button shown
button not shown

Affects to:

Anzeige Einlieferer

Show delivery service provider

field shown
field not shown

Affects to:

Anzeige Format

Show format field

field shown
field not shown


Anzeige Gewicht

Show weight field

field shown
field not shown


Anzeige IHS Absender fixieren

Show fix sender (IHS)

checkbox shown
checkbox not shown

Defines whether the checkbox to fix the IHS sender should be shown.

Anzeige IHS Empfänger fixieren

Show fix receiver (IHS)

checkbox shown
checkbox not shown

Defines whether the checkbox to fix the IHS receiver should be shown.

Anzeige letztes Label nochmals drucken

Show button re-print last label

button shown
button not shown


Anzeige Schaltfläche IHS-Adresseingabe

Show button address input IHS

button shown
button not shown


Anzeige SI

Show sorting information

field shown
field not shown

Affects to:

Anzeige ZustellInfo

Show delivery information

field shown
field not shown

Affects to:


Image capture

capturing allowed
capturing not allow.

Setting only for Sorter
via CustFields ID 1631

If disabled, no image capturing is possible even though if there is a licence available.

Default Bezirksstruktur

Default district structure

District structure (UPOC)

District structure to be used.
This district structure will be used.

Default Leistung-UPOC

Default service UPOC

Service (UPOC)

Service to be used.
This service will be used on defining the settings. If a default service is choosen, this will overwrite the service of the district structure.
ATTENTION: All settings will be done again according to this service!

Eingabe Alternativcode

Input of an alternative code

no input possible
input mandatory
input optional

Affects to:

Eingabe Auftragsdatum

Selecting the order date

selecting possible
selecting not possible

Affects to:

Eingabe Auftragskennung

Input of an order identifier

no input possible
input mandatory
input optional

Affects to:

Eingabe Bezriksstruktur

Selecting the district structure

selecting possible
selecting not possible

If the selection is possible, the operator may choose one. Otherwise the default setting is used.

Eingabe Leistung

Selecting the service

selecting possible
selecting not possible

If the selection is possible, the operator may choose one. Otherwise the default setting is used.

Eingabe Planzustelldatum

Selecting the date of planned delivery

selecting possible
selecting not possible

Affects to:


ELFR type

0 = no ELFR
2 = ELFR V1/V2
3 = ELFR V3

Setting only for Sorter;
via CustFields ID 1631

Erfassung Format

Acquiring format

acquire always
acquiring possible


Erfassung Gewicht

Acquiring weight

acquire always
acquiring possible


Fixierung Format

Fix format

no fixing possible
fix always
fixing optional


Fixierung Gewicht

Fix weight

no fixing possible
fix always
fixing optional



Photo function

no photo possible
photo mandatory
photo optional

Affects to the flag “photo after each mail item”.
Button will be hidden if set to “no photo possible”.

Geeichte Gewichtserfassung

Calibrated weight acquisition

checkbox shown
checkbox not shown


IHS Empfänger ist Kostenträger

Set “receiver is cost unit” (IHS)

no setting possible
setting mandatory
setting optional


Name Kamera Einstellung

Name camera setting

Name of a camera setting defined

Selects defined settings for a camera profile.

Prüfung Empfängername

Check receiver name

no check
name mandatory
manual check

No check: no receiver name required

Name Mandatory: checks for at least 4 consecutive alphanumeric signs in the field. If not present, cursor goes to name field and a name needs to be entered to acquire the mail item.

Manual check: cursor ALWAYS goes to name field to force humanly check of the name (e.g. for registered mail)

Sendungslabel drucken

Print mail item label

no label
label mandatory
label optional

Affects to:

Standardeinstellung Kontrollkästchen Drucken

Default setting checkbox print

checkbox set
checkbox not set


Standardeinstellung Kontrollkästchen Gewicht fixieren

Default setting checkbox fixing weight

checkbox set
checkbox not set


Standardeinstellung Kontrollkästchen Format fixieren

Default setting checkbox fixing format

checkbox set
checkbox not set


Waage Typ

Scale type

0 = no scale
1 = SBI protocol (scale on COM)
2 = calibrated scale

Setting only for Sorter;
via CustFields ID 1631


CodX Software CodX Software AG
Sinserstrasse 47
6330 Cham